There was soup and fish , removed by boiled chicken and bacon . 接在汤和鱼之后,换上来的是煮鸡和咸肉。
Soup and fish explain half the emotions of life 汤和鱼解释了生命的一半情感。
And issuing from my asylum with precaution , i sought a backstairs which conducted directly to the kitchen . all in that region was fire and commotion ; the soup and fish were in the last stage of projection , and the cook hung over her crucibles in a frame of mind and body threatening spontaneous combustion 我立即穿上了自己最好的衣服银灰色的那一件,专为参加坦普尔小姐的婚礼购置的,后来一直没有穿过,把头发梳得平平伏伏,并戴上了我仅有的饰品,那枚珍珠胸针。
soup and fishとは意味:男子の正式な夜会服 soup and fish en francais:smoking, veston de cérémonie à revers de soie; costume composé de ce veston, dub pantalon à galon de soie et du gilet (costume de soirée)soup and fish artinya:pakaian pria yang resmisoup and fish перевод:n AmE slGetting into the soup and fish was a real job — Для него натянуть на себя фрак было сплошным мучениемDoll up in your soup and fish and wipe that worried look off your...